What are the last three things you purchased? Grey Wilfred Sweater * Red Blackberry Pearl Cell Phone (I'm still trying to figure out how to use it!) * WEN Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Shampoo
What are the last three songs you downloaded? Two Hours Traffic - Hero's of the Sidewalk * Parachute - Sean Lennon * Luvstory - Sigur Ros
What were the last three places you visited? Whistler * L.A. * Oregon
What are your three favorite movies? A lot like Love * Into the Wild * The Darjeeling Limited
What are your three favorite possessions? My Kitty Cookie * Antique Perfume bottle from my Grandma * Camera What three things can you not live without? Food * Love * Goals
What would be your three wishes? Unlimited amount of money * travel the world * be a famous photographer
What are three things you haven't done yet? Backpacked Europe * Get a pet dog * Taken Photography classes
What are your three favourite dishes? Fish and Chips with lots of Malt Vinegar * Grilled Chicken on Ciabatta Bun with avacado, fig jam, melty brie cheese, baked pear, and lettuce mmmmmmmmmm.... * Thanksgiving turkey dinner with my mom's hazelnut stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, and lots of cranberry sauce!
What three celebrities do you want to hang out with the most? John Mayer * Ben Gibbard * Emile Hirsch
Name three things that freak you out Unnecessary Aggression * Sharks * Heights * Giant Moths
Name three unusual things you are good at Making Balloon Animals * Giving Advice * Getting Bruises
What are three things that you are coveting? Digital SLR Camera * Traveling * New Music